Presentation by Tim Lutgen

Minutes of the meeting of Friends of Martha Lake
July 5, 2015, Mercer Senior Center
Tim Lutgen chaired the meeting, called to order at 3:06 pm
This list of those present may not be complete. A signup sheet was circulated.
In order, going around the lake: Bukreys, Edna McCarthy, Joe Lambert, Roger and Peggy Foehringer, Jim and Kathy Trotter, Max and Lori Ackerman, Conrads, Jean Kleman and Ron Kessler, Bill and Janice Zelmer, Nancy Williams, Ted Sibilsky, Leo and Mary Ann Sabec, Carol Daniels, Tim and Roxanne Lutgen, Gino and Marge Mallum, John Wander, Tina Krumdick, Jim and Dorothy Wahner.
Participants introduced themselves.
History of 2014 water problem caused by the beaver dam. The access creek to Tank Lake determines the lake level. DNR does not manage Martha Lake because it is private. Beavers trapped by a professional trapper with private funds. Similar problem this year. Beavers removed. Dam dismantled. $240 paid to trapper.
Tim reported that $640 has been raised from 32 property owners. $240 to trapper, with about $380 remaining in Martha Lake fund. Details are available in the pdf of Power Point slides on the website At present, donations can be given to Tim Lutgen, checks made out to him.
Water quality. It appears there has been a decline in quality but we have no data, only observation. DNR and county ag agents can sample water for quality - temp, oxygen, weeds . DNR will not deal with our lake but will provide equipment to monitor quality. Secchi disc method.
Fishery. DNR will provide support but no intervention. They don't recommend restocking until there is a fish survey. Between 1994 and 2004, there have been seven stocking events, involving over 15,000 fish at a total cost of $7,500. Overall results have been disappointing. For future, Jeff Roth, fishery biologist would do the survey in the spring shocking and summer netting to assess population. We could do the survey in spring 2016. Analysis of kinds of fish currently present. If, for instance, we have too many muskies DNR can adjust size limits and how many can be taken. Fish survey, $5000, 10% down. We have had a 90% donation rate for other projects.
Other possibilities: buoy to mark hazards or speed limits. Shifting to formal not-for-profit lake association. Tax deduction, grants, etc. Committee structure, secretarial chores, member list update, dispute resolution, etc.
Discussion: Should water quality be done before fish study. Volunteers needed to do the study. Tom Conrad and Jean Kleman offered to coordinate a water study. There is DNR training involved for volunteers. We agreed to go ahead with water quality. There seem to be sufficient numbers of volunteers. Defer fish study.
Lake Association? Consensus is that we have a less formal structure. But you can't, for instance, keep funds in a bank unless you have a 501c3 and tax ID. If we do not have a named not-for-profit entity with 501c3 standing and tax ID, our fund collection will continue to be informal. At present we will continue to use the "shoebox fund" with donations sent to Tim Lutgen.
Permanent buoys for rock piles? If we mark them are there liability issues? Buy the buoys. Put them out. Ackermans will research buoys.
Any resident interested in volunteering for current projects can contact project organizers:
- Water quality (Conrad, Kleman)
- Buoys (Ackerman)
- Communication (Krumdick)
- General organization (Lutgen).
- Facebook page. Closed group. Contact Tina Krumdick through Facebook to be included.
- Dick Bukrey's webcam Internet address is
- Lake website is
Adjourned 4:35 pm.
Next meeting. September 6, 3:00 at the Senior Center.
Submitted by Fran and Dick Bukrey