Big Martha


Oh Buoy!

Hello Friends of Martha Lake!
With the help of Max Ackerman performing essential anchoring engineering functions and Todd Emro as our sea captain and sonar wizard, we were able to place Martha Lake’s first two USCG safety Buoys on this past very windy Sunday afternoon! Here are some pictures showing how our our collective efforts are now protecting property owners and guests of Martha Lake.

The placement of the Buoys are a little different from our old Rubber Duckie and milk jugs. The latter could be placed literally, on top of the highest point of the rock piles because they were small The new Buoys are five feet tall with two feet submerged and anchored to a concrete weight six feet below. So, the new Buoys now mark the general location of the rock piles instead of floating right on top of them. The North Buoy was the most difficult to place due to the steep descent of the rock piles to the bottom of the lake. As you or your guests navigate our waters, please consider a 100 foot radius around the Buoys to be dangerous and therefore, navigate appropriately within that radius. This should help prevent an unpleasant accident requiring a prop repair (or worse).

I want to thank all of you that have contributed to the Martha Lake fund to make this navigational safety project a big success for generations to come!

Fisheries Project Update:
I am pleased to inform you that our Fisheries Survey project is well underway. The biologists prefer to wait until the surface water is consistently in the 60’s before starting the first phase of the project. Todd Emro has been measuring the lake temperature almost daily. Since the lake is now in the mid-50’s , we are close to beginning this project. The survey crew will not allow any of us to be on their boat during the shocking and sizing phases of this project. However, they have no problem with us observing the process from our own boats. Unfortunately, I do not have a specific date that I can give you at this time for their first survey. However, I have asked the crew to let me know a few days in advance, if possible, so that I can get the date and time out to all of you via e-mail. So, if you are interested in observing the shocking and sizing phases of this project, please keep checking your email.

Finally, I wish to thank the vast majority of you that have supported these projects with your time and your contributions. We are in good financial shape but I still have not heard from about seven property owners. It is not too late to contribute and your donations will help kickstart the next projects to be undertaken for the benefit of our lake and all of us.

Roxanne and I are looking forward to seeing all of you and enjoying good times on our lake as summer rapidly approaches!

Tim & Roxanne Lutgen

South Buoy
IMG_2363 (1)

North Buoy
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