To the Friends of Martha Lake:
I first volunteered for this communications project last year when we had critically high water levels. The beaver dams that caused the high lake level were located on the creek that runs between our property and Gino and Marge Mallum. Although I have a great love for our lake and care for its future as all of you do, my involvement has been a significant effort and going forward, me or whomever continues in this role, will need more support, organization, and improved communications.
With the financial support of many lake residents for our trapping efforts and the volunteer support to assist in the manual removal of the dams we almost had a normal lake level by late fall. For those of you that were not aware, we also had an extremely high lake level this year upon ice out. However, thanks again to trapping efforts and volunteers, the lake level is almost down to a normal spring level.
Based on the survey results, I believe that it is time for us to meet informally and decide where we should go from here in regards to the following topics:
- What organizational structure should "Friends of Martha Lake" become?
- Who will be the officers of the group and how will decisions be made?
- Who should coordinate the information on our web page and how often should we meet?
- Who will coordinate the fund raising activities and who will manage finances?
- What are the priorities and merits of proposed projects (including but not limited to)?
- Independent lake fishery survey
- Fish stocking
- Weed abatement
- Water quality
- Lake level maintenance
- Permanent safety buoys to mark water hazards
Again, based on the survey results, the majority of Lake property owners desire to have a meeting at a time that is convenient for all. The most likely time is the Independence Day weekend.
Since time is of the essence to organize and communicate before too many prior commitments are made, please respond using the feedback option that Tina has included in this webpage. I look forward to group collaboration to make Martha Lake a place we all love!
Based on the survey feedback, I would like to schedule our first meeting at a public location in Mercer (e.g. Mercer Senior Center) over the July 4th holiday weekend. I plan to select a meeting facility large enough so all interested parties and family members can attend. If you are interested in joining the Friends of Martha Lake Group please let me know the following:
1. How many from your party might be attending the meeting?
2. What is your preferred date and time? Options include July 3, 4, 5 and AM or PM?
3. Would you like to volunteer to bring refreshments so that we might have an opportunity to get to know each other a little better after the conclusion of the formal meeting?
Please RSVP to me by June 14, 2015, so that I can book the arrangements. I prefer email but you can also, snail mail, text, or call me as listed below:
Tim Lutgen
2147 W Leisure Lane
Mercer, WI. 54547
Thanks to all who have contributed in the past and I appreciate your kind feedback and recognition of my efforts.